Types of Plastic Pallets – As a result of advanced technology, many organizations have successfully switched from wood pallets to plastic pallets, which have plenty more functionalities and a wider range of options when compared to traditional wood pallets. Many plastic pallets manufacturers offer a wide range of plastic pallets that can also be used as industrial pallets. These pallets are environmentally friendly and can be recycled multiple times.

Because of their features, these pallets are an excellent choice for industries and shipment purposes. If you’re new to using plastic pallets and aren’t familiar with many different types of pallets, there are plenty of plastic pallets suppliers you can use to get the best pallets possible. So, let’s get started; I’ll provide detailed information on various types of plastic pallets, as well as their prices.


What Are Plastic Pallets?

A pallet is a framework that allows for mechanical transportation of goods by the forklift, front loader, or jack, among other things. They are now either made of wood or plastic, but here we’re talking about plastic pallets. As a result, plastic pallets are all made of plastic substance/material.

These plastic pallets are frequently used during retail and transportation. These pallets reduce the likelihood of impacting/damaging a commodity while transporting it from one location to another so that it’s safe and works as a safeguard of the product. This is extremely simple to use; all you have to do is raise the pallet without contacting the item. It is an excellent option for important goods in retail outlets.


Different Types of Plastic Pallets

Now that you’ve grasped the concept of what plastic pallets are and what they’re used for, let’s look at the different Types of Plastic Pallets and how their prices differ.

Heavy Duty Plastic Pallet

First, we have heavy-duty plastic pallets, which are much stronger and more durable than other pallets, as well as being more stable and absorbing less moisture. Not only are these pallets available for the long term, but they also save you a lot of money because they’re pretty strong and don’t need to be changed all the time. They are built to withstand all of the loads encountered in the industry.

Heavy-duty plastic pallets are classified into three loads based on how much kg of load they can withstand, and these are static load ranges from 600 kg to 4,000 kg, dynamic load ranges from 500 kg to 5,000 kg, and racking load ranges from 500kg to 1,000 kg. These pallets are highly recommended if you want to use them for a product that is too heavy to handle.

Stackable Plastic Pallets

Stackable Plastic Pallets are another industrial pallet we have for you. A stackable pallet has a strong double face core on the lower part, allowing pallets to double-pile with goods as well as other pallets. If you need a long-lasting pallet, a stackable pallet is one of the best options. It’s also very simple to clean, which means no complications.

If you have a good organization, this pallet is highly recommended for you. They can also be used for household products and pharmaceuticals, and these pallets can be made out of any material you want, such as fire-retardant or something.

Nestable Plastic Pallets

Nestable Plastic Pallets are more convenient than other types of pallets. It is highly recommended if you want a more secure transport for your goods because it is easy to clean and long-lasting. Your transportation will be both cleaner and safer. If you’re concerned about it breaking down and causing damage to your product, don’t be; it won’t break easily. It is also water-resistant, which provides you with an additional benefit. As you are aware, wood pallets are expensive and you are spending a lot of money; however, by using this pallet, you will save money.

Rackable Plastic Pallets

This Rackable Plastic Pallets resilience makes them more effective in a variety of heavy-duty processes. These pallets are intended for use in a wide range of baseless racking systems to store items while maximizing important processing as well as floor area. They are dependable and are designed to be collected easily and reliably on trays.

As you may be aware, wood pallets require regular maintenance and repair, which also costs a significant amount of money; however, these pallets are already extremely strong, durable, and long-lasting. These pallets offer a high-impact alternative to your storage issues as well, which is convenient. They are suitable for use in baseless racking systems that require space optimization.

Plastic Pallets Prices –

The plastic pallets price vary, and they are as follows:

  • Heavy Duty Plastic Pallets: The cost of heavy-duty plastic pallets ranges between Rs 4,500 and Rs 6,000.
  • Stackable Plastic Pallets: The cost of stackable Plastic Pallets ranges between $10 and $100 per pallet.
  • Nestable Plastic Pallets: The cost of Nestable Plastic Pallets ranges between $20 – $95 per pallet.
  • Rackable Plastic Pallets: Rackable Plastic Pallets cost between $85 and $120 per pallet.

If you want a custom pallet or any other material or substance you want to customize your Pallets with, it depends on the company you’re working with. There are many good Plastic Pallets manufacturers and Plastic Pallets suppliers available for you to customize your Pallets according to your needs.

Some Benefits of Plastic Pallets

Now that you’ve learned about the various Types of Plastic Pallets, there are numerous advantages to using plastic pallets over other types of pallets, including the following:

  • Longevity: The main advantage of these Pallets is that they are long-lasting due to their durability, they save you a lot of money due to their strong texture, and they are designed to take as much load of the goods as possible. They are not quickly destroyed, making them the best choice for heavy-duty loads.
  • Eco-friendly: Another great advantage of plastic pallets is that they are environmentally friendly and can be reused. They will reduce waste and eliminate the need to dispose of them. They can be easily recycled.
  • Take care Of Your Products: They act as a safeguard for your products, maintaining safety with its strength so that you don’t have to worry about your product even when it’s being sent through an employee. They are safer to use than woods, which easily break and destroy your products.

The need for plastic pallets is determined by the type of product to be transported and the industry in which you work. Look for pallets that meet your needs and protect your product.