Types of Plastic Pallets – As a result of advanced technology, many organizations have successfully switched from wood pallets to plastic pallets, which have plenty more functionalities and a wider range of options when compared to traditional wood pallets. Many plastic pallets manufacturers offer a wide range of plastic pallets that can also be used as industrial pallets. These pallets are environmentally friendly and can be recycled multiple times.

Because of their features, these pallets are an excellent choice for industries and shipment purposes. If you’re new to using plastic pallets and aren’t familiar with many different types of pallets, there are plenty of plastic pallets suppliers you can use to get the best pallets possible. So, let’s get started; I’ll provide detailed information on various types of plastic pallets, as well as their prices.


What Are Plastic Pallets?

A pallet is a framework that allows for mechanical transportation of goods by the forklift, front loader, or jack, among other things. They are now either made of wood or plastic, but here we’re talking about plastic pallets. As a result, plastic pallets are all made of plastic substance/material.

These plastic pallets are frequently used during retail and transportation. These pallets reduce the likelihood of impacting/damaging a commodity while transporting it from one location to another so that it’s safe and works as a safeguard of the product. This is extremely simple to use; all you have to do is raise the pallet without contacting the item. It is an excellent option for important goods in retail outlets.


Different Types of Plastic Pallets

Now that you’ve grasped the concept of what plastic pallets are and what they’re used for, let’s look at the different Types of Plastic Pallets and how their prices differ.

Heavy Duty Plastic Pallet

First, we have heavy-duty plastic pallets, which are much stronger and more durable than other pallets, as well as being more stable and absorbing less moisture. Not only are these pallets available for the long term, but they also save you a lot of money because they’re pretty strong and don’t need to be changed all the time. They are built to withstand all of the loads encountered in the industry.

Heavy-duty plastic pallets are classified into three loads based on how much kg of load they can withstand, and these are static load ranges from 600 kg to 4,000 kg, dynamic load ranges from 500 kg to 5,000 kg, and racking load ranges from 500kg to 1,000 kg. These pallets are highly recommended if you want to use them for a product that is too heavy to handle.

Stackable Plastic Pallets

Stackable Plastic Pallets are another industrial pallet we have for you. A stackable pallet has a strong double face core on the lower part, allowing pallets to double-pile with goods as well as other pallets. If you need a long-lasting pallet, a stackable pallet is one of the best options. It’s also very simple to clean, which means no complications.

If you have a good organization, this pallet is highly recommended for you. They can also be used for household products and pharmaceuticals, and these pallets can be made out of any material you want, such as fire-retardant or something.

Nestable Plastic Pallets

Nestable Plastic Pallets are more convenient than other types of pallets. It is highly recommended if you want a more secure transport for your goods because it is easy to clean and long-lasting. Your transportation will be both cleaner and safer. If you’re concerned about it breaking down and causing damage to your product, don’t be; it won’t break easily. It is also water-resistant, which provides you with an additional benefit. As you are aware, wood pallets are expensive and you are spending a lot of money; however, by using this pallet, you will save money.

Rackable Plastic Pallets

This Rackable Plastic Pallets resilience makes them more effective in a variety of heavy-duty processes. These pallets are intended for use in a wide range of baseless racking systems to store items while maximizing important processing as well as floor area. They are dependable and are designed to be collected easily and reliably on trays.

As you may be aware, wood pallets require regular maintenance and repair, which also costs a significant amount of money; however, these pallets are already extremely strong, durable, and long-lasting. These pallets offer a high-impact alternative to your storage issues as well, which is convenient. They are suitable for use in baseless racking systems that require space optimization.

Plastic Pallets Prices –

The plastic pallets price vary, and they are as follows:

  • Heavy Duty Plastic Pallets: The cost of heavy-duty plastic pallets ranges between Rs 4,500 and Rs 6,000.
  • Stackable Plastic Pallets: The cost of stackable Plastic Pallets ranges between $10 and $100 per pallet.
  • Nestable Plastic Pallets: The cost of Nestable Plastic Pallets ranges between $20 – $95 per pallet.
  • Rackable Plastic Pallets: Rackable Plastic Pallets cost between $85 and $120 per pallet.

If you want a custom pallet or any other material or substance you want to customize your Pallets with, it depends on the company you’re working with. There are many good Plastic Pallets manufacturers and Plastic Pallets suppliers available for you to customize your Pallets according to your needs.

Some Benefits of Plastic Pallets

Now that you’ve learned about the various Types of Plastic Pallets, there are numerous advantages to using plastic pallets over other types of pallets, including the following:

  • Longevity: The main advantage of these Pallets is that they are long-lasting due to their durability, they save you a lot of money due to their strong texture, and they are designed to take as much load of the goods as possible. They are not quickly destroyed, making them the best choice for heavy-duty loads.
  • Eco-friendly: Another great advantage of plastic pallets is that they are environmentally friendly and can be reused. They will reduce waste and eliminate the need to dispose of them. They can be easily recycled.
  • Take care Of Your Products: They act as a safeguard for your products, maintaining safety with its strength so that you don’t have to worry about your product even when it’s being sent through an employee. They are safer to use than woods, which easily break and destroy your products.

The need for plastic pallets is determined by the type of product to be transported and the industry in which you work. Look for pallets that meet your needs and protect your product.



As technology advances, the design, material, and many other aspects of a roof changed. And plastic roofing sheets were presented, to keep you and your home safe from dangers as it serves as one of the best shelters for any person and any place. As roofing sheets can be used in a variety of applications and provide numerous benefits, if you’re looking for information related to types of roofing sheets, such as corrugated plastic roofing sheets, I’ll gladly assist you in everything you need to know about them.


What Are Plastic Roofing Sheets?

Before we get into the benefits and plastic roofing sheet prices, let’s first define the term. Plastic roofing sheets, also known as PVC in short, are used for shelter in both commercial and residential environments. Many people use these sheets since they are recognized for their excellent durability, flexibility, Ultraviolet rays protection, and protection from any other kind of natural calamities.

Traditional roofs are really old and boring, which is why PVC sheets are so popular because they have a lot of patterns and benefits compared to traditional shelters. PVC sheets are also cost-effective, which makes them an excellent choice. These sheets are now widely used by almost everyone. PVC sheets can be found wherever you look, regardless of the area.


Types of Roofing Sheets

There are various types of roof sheets, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. These sheets differ depending on the material and durability, so let’s take a look at them.


1.Corrugated Roofing Sheets:

The first type of roofing sheet is corrugated plastic roofing sheets, which are mostly used in agricultural buildings due to the frequent layers on their surface. PVC corrugated roofing Sheets have a completely remarkable structure and feature of their own; it provides long-term durability and strength to the roof while protecting the domicile. These sheets, on the other hand, are designed with grooves, that’s the reason it is so strong and stable. Corrugated roofing sheets are also environmentally friendly and are ideal for protecting sheds, garages, and other structures.

Price: Roofing sheet prices in India typically range from Rs 250/square meter to Rs 500/square meter.


2. Polycarbonate Roofing Sheets:

Polycarbonate roofing sheets, on the other hand, are mostly used in large commercial buildings and industrial areas. They are suitable for such spaces for one reason: their high strength, which makes them an excellent choice. They’re fairly simple to install and even water-resistant, and they come in a variety of designs and textures, making them quite durable.

Price: In India, polycarbonate plastic roofing sheets prices range from 800/square meter to 1500/square meter.


3. Metal Roofing Sheets:

Metal roofing sheets are used to construct rooftops based on their design, texture, price, durability and a variety of other factors. These sheets are used in garages, backyards, and garden apartments, among other places. These roof sheets come in a variety of textures and designs to add a personal touch to your home. As a result, they’re not as curvy as PVC corrugated roofing sheets. They are not easily broken.

Price: Metal roofing sheets in India cost considerably around 250 and 350 rupees per square meter.


Benefits Of Plastic Roofing Sheets

Now that you’re familiar with the different types of sheets and their applications, let’s look at the advantages of plastic roofing sheets and why they’re so popular these days:



Plastic roofing sheets are relatively inexpensive when compared to metal sheets. If you’re looking for a cost-effective shelter for your house, this is the right choice for you, and it’s also simple to install, which gives you another great reason to install these sheets on your rooftop.


2. Durable And Easy To Install:

As previously stated, these sheets are easy to install without any complications or too much effort, which saves time as well. These sheets are durable and contain a lot of strength compared to other sheets available. It’s the best choice for your home if you want it to be protected from any kind of danger and natural calamity, with its features it provides complete protection to your house.


3. Extreme Climate Resistant:

Another great advantage of plastic roofing sheets is that they are not easily damaged due to the excellent sustainability power of plastic. They are suitable for both hot and cold temperatures because they are extremely weather-resistant and do not easily get damaged from scratches and marks.


4. Protection Against UV Rays:

One of the significant benefits of these sheets is that they provide protection to your place against harmful UV rays, and since we all know how harmful UV rays are to any human being, this feature helps in protecting both you and your home. Because of the special UV covering upon this plastic roofing sheet, that will absorb harmful UV rays.


5. Easy To Clean:

Cleaning is very important, but it can also be exhausting, but don’t worry because this sheet is much easier to clean than other sheets. You don’t have to worry about any complications when cleaning plastic sheets; all you have to do is take a clean cloth and wipe it out.



Now that you understand why plastic roofing sheets are so popular, you should know that they can be used in a variety of locations, including factories, animal farms, commercial buildings, plantations, and industries, among others. Switching to plastic sheets can help you make your home a more comfortable place to live.

Your exterior house will look great because of the variety of textures and designs it contains. The plastic roof sheets are also optimal for directing water away from the structure. Also, because of its affordability, it will be simple for you to purchase without any financial concerns.


Plastic is the material which is underrated by us these days. This is an axing material on which we can rely for strength and durability.

For instance, take the example of a plastic bottle, apart from being strong and waterproof; it is a lightweight material that does not decay for many years. A car bumper is a large structure but as it’s made of plastic which is a lightweight material, it is easy to lift by a single person. 

With these numbers of advantages, it is still not environmentally friendly, as discarded plastic adds to the waste. We can never replace plastic with other materials and no one can match the unique property of this super material which has countless uses.

Recycling is one of the best and environmentally friendly solutions for putting this material for better use whenever it’s damaged or discarded. Though there are an equal number of challenges in recycling plastic solutions like transforming the waste plastic into shipping plastic pallets can be a good example for cost-saving and sustainability. Now they are environmentally friendly, recycled, and as good as new to help you ship goods from one place to another.

Top 9 Recyclable Products List

  1. Reusing plastic:  Most of the plastic used today by the common crowd is discarded after a single usage. All such products are recycled but the nature of plastic defers a lot from one plastic substance to another. For example, the plastic quality of the plastic bottle differs from that of the cap. The garbage sorting staff or the customers may not know the differences. Apart from recycling different materials of plastic, we must also keep in mind the colors. The material must also be sorted into different colors. Recycled plastic is not for customer packaging as the recycled plastic cannot be having the right color consistency. Recycled plastic is more used for industrial purposes where color consistency is not a major constraint.
  2. Plastic Pallets: Shipping pallets made of plastic can be manufactured with plastic coming from a variety of sources. All of them are dyed black to bring an even tone to the color. This also solves the problem of color consistency and gives it a better-polished look.Mixing plastics from multiple types of sources can result in structural quality which is not predictable and is risky to use. Pallets can be manufactured only with the help of few types of plastics to ensure durability and sustainability.
  3. Making Shampoo Bottles: The plastic shampoo bottles or the ones used for dish wash soap or detergents are mostly made from recycled plastic. This kind of plastic, also known as polyethylene has a high density and is often left in its actual state, making it easy to recycle. In some cases, color pigments are also added during the process to make the bottles look appealing. 
  4. Plastic Sheeting: We often find polyethylene which is of low density too, and this is mostly used to create sheeting or films or to make shipping envelopes. This kind of plastic is very flexible and is quite transparent, and can even resist acids, and various other chemicals. 
  5. Traffic Cones: You might have come across the shimmering and bright red or orange traffic cones when driving to or from home. These traffic cones are mostly made from recycled plastic. The plastic is also used to make mud flaps, hoses for the gardens, and much more. Polyvinyl chloride is known to be very rough and is quite strong. This is one of the reasons why it is used for the creation of high impact or rigid products like pipes or tiles etc. 
  6. Packing materials: Do you know that recycled plastic is also used in making various types of packing materials? Like pallets, these packing materials are used to add an extra layer of protection to the goods when shipped to long distances. 
  7. Other than packing materials, recycled plastic is also known for its thermal insulation properties, and is thus used in making various materials. 
  8. Kitchenware: If you have found some colorful, low-cost kitchenware on the shelves of the supermarket, give it a thought as they might be made from recycled plastic. Some of the common items that are made using recycled plastic are cutting boards, tableware, table mats, mixing bowls, and a lot more. 
  9. Trash Bags: Most of the trash bags which we use in our day to day life are made from Recycled Plastic Sheet. These bags are made using less energy, and thus reduce the “greenhouse gas emissions.

Why recycle plastic: High-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic has better and higher resistance which helps in withstanding rough handling. This has many other advantages apart from being recyclable, stability and strong.

Resistance from chemicals: An ideal material for pallet manufacturing must be resistant to a wide range of acids, solvents, and bases. HDPE plastic resists most of the chemicals except some organic solvents like acetone and benzene. These can do a little bit of damage to the plastic pallets 

Safe to use in food industries: As HDPE plastic is not prone to chemical latching which affects other industrial plastics. HDPE is the safest to use in food industries as there is no risk of chemical contamination for food.

Hygiene: Unlike wood, plastic doesn’t absorb water or any other liquid. So the weight of the material remains the same regardless of the liquid used to clean or the moisture in the air. Plastic pallet does not retain the odor of the cleaning liquid like the wooden pallets. The surface of the HDPE plastic pallet can be easily cleaned with help of water and a jet hose pipe. We can also use soap and disinfectant to be more particular about hygiene. Any of these acts will not affect the quality of the pallet.


We all know the importance of recycling and the benefits of plastic pallets. So do take an environmentally friendly decision which is also lighter on your pocket. Make sure to recycle the plastic waste, so that it gets converted into something useful. 


Types of Roofing Products – In this online guide, you are going to have a detailed glimpse into different types of roofing products. You will also have a fair idea of the different types of roofing sheets that are best suited for building a sturdy home. You will also be learning vital info on how you can choose the best roofing sheets and their types. 

You can opt for roofing products that are made from biodegradable materials indeed. After all, all of us are doing our bit to contribute to a more sustainable planet. Advanced roofing materials replace the conventional ones too. You have a wider range of alternatives to look for roofing sheets like clay tiles, green roofing, asphalt shingles, and a lot more. Helping you take a glimpse into the different types of roofing products for you to choose from! Shall we get started?

Your next re-roofing job should not be a hassle at all. Especially when you know more about the different roofing sheets or products that goes into the making. All you must do is get the materials from the store, and start working on the aesthetics of getting yourself a splendor rooftop. 

Types of Roofing Products

Presenting you with some of the most astounding roofing products to glimpse into

Solar tiles

Solar tiles can be the most eco-friendly option when it comes to adding roofing. The solar tile can look stylish and concrete. These generate a power of 1 kilowatt for every 100 square feet. You can look for solar roofs and create electricity as the rooftop can utilize solar energy to generate power.

Roofing sheets

Again, when you want to look for roofing sheets, you have plenty of options to choose from. Let me take you into a run down through 2-3 popularly used ones.

Plastic roofing sheets

Plastic roofing sheets are more popularly used for designing garden sheds indeed. You can also look for plastic sheets to cover temporary structures. Like, you can add them to cover your terrace area. The price range will be on the higher side when you look for a higher quality plastic roofing sheet. 

Metal roofing

The roofing sheets are made from metals like Zinc, Aluminum, Copper, and Tin. You can create trendy and customizable roofing tops using metals. Metal sheets are simply the best roofing sheets for the house. These are highly durable and sustainable in nature. Metallic panels can withstand hailstorms, torrential rains, snow, sun, etc. They do not crack or split easily. Hence, these roofing sheets can last you several decades before you think of another refurbishment. 

Corrugated roofing sheets

Corrugated roof sheets are mainly used for agricultural buildings, as a matter of fact. The sheets can offer you years of reliable utility. The corrugated design of the rooftop panels makes them unique and you lend an aesthetic appeal to roofing top panels. As the rooftops have ridges and grooves, they are durable and stronger. As these are eco-friendly and durable, the sheets can ideally protect your garage sheds, porches, and sheds. These are the three trendy roofing sheet types you can possibly go in for.

Asphalt Shingles

This is yet another spectacular roofing product worth knowing about. The shingles can be durable and can withstand all types of environmental conditions indeed. You can look for durable and eco-friendly asphalt shingles. However, the roofing panel requires replacement once every twenty years. The upfront costs are however quite panels low as compared to another rooftop. 

Slate roofing

Slate roof panels can last you more than 100 years. The material that goes into the making is one that is waterproof. The material is also resilient against fungi or molds. Slate roofing can also be suited for wetter terrains. The areas are those that are more prone to receiving more rainfall. However, you also have a flipside to this type of roofing. The roofing tops can be a little heavy and expensive too. The rooftops can break easily when stepped on. Hence, people who receive hailstorms must opt for the product using a degree of caution.

Clay and concrete tiles

Clay and concrete tiles can be trendy and are highly durable in nature. The roofing panels can withstand tornadoes, hurricanes, and even fast-moving winds. You also find them a good one for warm and dry climates. However, these tiles are a little heavier when it comes to setting up. You must take care of them, as they tend to break when stepped onto. 

Green roofing

Green roofing depicts panels that can fully be covered with plants or shrubs. You have a higher air quality to breathe in. Green roofing is the most eco-friendly roofing option of all. The homes that have green roofing tops have no water runoff during monsoons or floods. Moreover, the roofing panels insulate homes during summers too. So, it is an all-weather friendly and sustainable roofing panel, you can probably go in for.


We have covered different Types of Roofing Products. You have the pros and cons of using each one of them. So, choose the ideal roofing top for your homes, industrial sheds, and gardens, and set the right tone for a fabulous appearance of your home and office space. 

Like any form of business operator, you will know that the main challenge in operating a business, big or small is to optimize the efficiency of supply chain management. Transporting the items from one place to another at an affordable cost reduces a lot of burden on both the company and the potential customer.

Every product which is in the stores for display is delivered on a pallet. Among many kinds of materials used in manufacturing the pallets, plastic and wood are used most commonly. Plastic is having top priority in the market due to its own benefits over wooden ones. 

Most of the time, business owners prefer wooden pallets over plastic pallets as they are under the assumption that wooden ones are stronger and durable. While wooden pallets are stronger, they are not as durable as plastic pallets and are susceptible to easy damage. 

Benefits of Plastic Pallets

Plastic pallets provide better and safe handling of products and are conveniently lifted. Some more advantages of plastic pallets over wooden ones are : 
  1. Light in weight

Weight is a major concern while handling products in supply chain management. We can reduce the extra charge we pay when we avoid the unnecessary weight. Choosing plastic over any other material keeps you sorted with all the extra weight that can add on if you choose wood.

In many cases, you can notice that plastic pallets of the same size and design of wooden ones weigh lighter than wooden ones. This implies that the cost of shipping is lowered too when they are used as a replacement for the traditional wooden pallets.

  1. Exemption from ISPM 15 regulation

According to the international standards for phytosanitary measures, No 15 makes it mandatory to treat wooden pallets that have a thickness greater than 6 mm. This is an important requirement to be fulfilled when we are shipping the product from one country to another.

This regulation basically aims at the prevention of the spread of insects and insect-borne diseases.

How are the wooden pallets treated?

Treat it with heat -mobile heat, portable chamber and steady heat are a variety of techniques to get the pallets treated with heat.

Methyl Bromide: Fumigation is the basic process involved in treating the wooden pallets.

This definitely implies that more cost is incurred along with the shipping. The pallets will be thoroughly inspected at the entry of the international waters. If the wooden pallets don’t go through all these processes the authorities will retain them and it will take a lot of time, effort, and money to get the consignment back.

Plastic pallets are a good option to replace and reduce all the hassle. I exempt the plastic pallets from the regulation as it doesn’t harbor insects and will not spread wood-related pests and damage the materials. Neither the authorities at the international port will not have the reason to detain your shipment nor need you to get them treated regularly. This saves you not only money but also gives you mental peace 

  1. Eco friendly and saves a lot of space

How can plastic pallets be an eco-friendly option?

  1. The quality plastic pallets are manufactured according to ISO 14001 standards.
  2. By choosing plastic over wood you are saving many trees from getting cut.
  3. Plastic is 100% recyclable. Some vendors buy back the damaged ones and recycle them. So there are two types of plastic pallets: virgin plastic and recycled plastic. We can invest according to our products which are to be shipped and the weight.

Plastic is not only cost-efficient but also saves more space during the return trip. They can be stacked on one another to save space. Nestable plastic pallets are a good choice to save more space.

  1. Longer lifespan and durability

Plastic is definitely a more durable material than wood. The lifespan of wooden pallets is not more than 4 years but we can guarantee a minimum of 10 years to the plastic pallets made out of virgin plastic. A year or two less for the plastic pallets made from recycled plastic.

This is the reason why these plastic pallets are used more in closed-loop systems where they are used again and again. Leasing the pallets has been a good business as there is very little scope for the damage.

  1. Easy to clean and more hygienic 

Plastic pallets are the perfect choice to handle products related to the pharmaceutical and food industries. The cleaning can be done within no time by spraying water from a hosepipe. 

If we clean the wooden pallets in the same way the water doesn’t dry out easily paving the way for the growth of fungus. Plastic pallets have a very good advantage that it’s easy cleaning and maintaining hygiene.

More advantages of plastic pallets over wood

  • No risk of being attacked by termites or any other pathogens and reduced risk of product contamination
  • As they are molded the surfaces are smooth which makes them easy to clean.
  • Any miss in taking care of such aspects can have an unbearable effect on your business.


Plastic pallets offer a lot of benefits when compared to the metal or wooden pallets that are available in the market. Make sure to choose a reliable provider (Ecosheets) of high-quality plastic pallets as they do not require replacement very often.